Finding a Job, Then and Now: 4 – Interview Etiquette

By The Intersect Group

A lot has changed in the last few months regarding what to wear for a job interview. But what hasn’t changed much is interview etiquette: the things you do before, during, and after a job interview that help you come across as the professional you are…and help you receive a job offer from the employer. …

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Finding a Job, Then and Now: #2 – Interview Attire

By The Intersect Group

The do’s and don’ts of what job candidates should wear to an interview have changed considerably in just two years. Way back in the olden days of February 2020, the website The Balance Careers recommended the following interview attire for women interviewing for office/professional positions: a navy blue blazer button-down shirts a blouse with “interesting …

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Finding a Job, Then and Now: #1 – The Resume

By The Intersect Group

How much has the job search changed in your lifetime? A ton! Those in their early 60s certainly can attest to that: they were just a few years away from having to sit by the phone waiting for a call from an employer to ask them to come in for an interview when they started …

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Virtual Networking – Get on Board

By The Intersect Group

If you work in IT or finance/accounting, you’re likely still working from home, at least part of the time. Have you embraced virtual networking yet? Yes, you undoubtedly “network virtually” via internet platforms such as LinkedIn and other social media channels, often quite successfully. But in this case, we mean “virtual networking” at an online …

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When Should Candidates Hear Back from Employers: Expectations vs. Reality

By The Intersect Group

Did you see our LinkedIn survey posted a few weeks ago? We asked people how long it should be between the day they submit an application for an open position and when they hear back from the employer. Most people (46 percent) of the 886 responses said one week. The second greatest percentage of responses …

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How Important Is Building Up Your LinkedIn Network?

By The Intersect Group

Answer: Extremely! Why? Because not only can a robust professional network on LinkedIn help you find your next job, it can help you find the best next job. LinkedIn is more than a networking platform: it’s where you can showcase your expertise in such a way that it helps you stand out from other candidates.  …

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The Uptick in Upskilling: Positioning Yourself for a Promotion

By The Intersect Group

Who gets promotions? Those who go above and beyond what their boss asks of them and what their job description says. People who make a point of learning new skills also tend to get the nod to step up a rung or two on the career ladder In fact, more and more promotions are being …

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Why You Might Want to Apply for Jobs for Which You Don’t Meet 100% of the Requirements

By The Intersect Group

You see a job posting. It’s PERFECT. It’s possibly even your dream job. Even if it’s not, merely reading the description makes you salivate: It’s with a great company It looks like it pays well. It’s doing something you do extremely well. But then, it asks for 10 years’ experience, and you have just 7. …

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