It’s a fact: Organizations that prioritize business analytics perform better in the market. That’s why we developed our Business Analytics Center of Expertise (CoE) to advance leadership, research and education across our focus areas. With a designated subject matter expert at the helm, we can leverage their business acumen to provide insights that transcend staffing. Discerning these valuable insights allow you to get ahead of disruptions in your industry, leveraging data to strengthen your position relative to your competitors. The Business Analytics we uncover can:

Through our Business Analytics Center of Expertise, clients gain access to:

Leveraged Data for a Savvy World

As organizations become savvier, information becomes the key to competitive advantage, meaning a company’s ability to compete will increasingly be driven by how well it can leverage data, apply analytics and implement new technologies. In fact, according to the International Institute for Analytics, by the end of 2020, businesses taking advantage of data will see $430 billion in productivity benefits over competitors who are not using data.

Business Analytics Across the Board

Business Analytics can be applied across industries and markets to better understand and manage business areas such as:

  • Sales & Marketing
  • Supply Chain
  • Customer & Growth
  • Finance
  • Operations
  • Risk & Regulatory
  • Human Resources / Workforce

With these capabilities in place, companies will be better positioned to:

  • Gain an understanding of what’s happening today and foresight into what may happen in the future.
  • Have more accurate and timely information access, enabling the shift from reactive decision-making to proactive.
  • Gain the agility to meet ever-changing regulatory, market, and economic conditions, and gain a competitive edge.

A few ways that Business Analytics can help companies make smarter, data-driven decisions:

  • Identify ways to increase profit
  • Analyze customer behavior
  • Compare data with competitors
  • Track performance
  • Optimize operations
  • Predict success
  • Spot market trends
  • Discover issues or problems

Gain the insights needed to give you a competitive edge when hiring IT or Finance & Accounting professionals. Contact us to learn how your organization can benefit from our Business Analytics Center of Expertise.

Want more information?

  • Insights-driven businesses are growing at an average of more than 30% each year, and by 2021, they are predicted to take $1.8 trillion annually from their less-informed peers.
    – Forrester Insights-Driven Businesses Set the Pace for Global Growth Report
  • 90% of enterprise analytics and business professionals currently say data and analytics are key to their organization's digital transformation initiatives.
    – MicroStrategy 2018 Global State of Enterprise Analytics Report
  • Data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times as likely to retain customers, and 19 times as likely to be profitable as a result.
    –  McKinsey Global Institute